Our Student Services area is a Reception area specifically for our students. All queries relating to your child may be made through Student Services.
Whether students are unwell, unsure, have a general question or concern about school they can always visit student services for support.
Student Services hours: 8am – 4pm
Some of the services that are provided at Student Services are:
- Early Departures (signing out)- Students need to notify their Learning Mentor or House Leader in the morning with a note signed by a parent/guardian. We DO NOT ENCOURAGE parents to come to the College unannounced to collect students, unless in an emergency. All appointments, whether Medical or other, need to be made after school hours, unless absolutely unavoidable.
- Lost property
- Bag Passes Students who are eligible for a bag pass, may collect an application form from Student Services.
- Sick Bay/First Aid Our First Aid room is located in our Student Services area.
We have a well-equipped sickbay where students will be assessed and either sent home after parental contact has been made or asked to return to class.