St John’s Regional College offers a Counselling Service through its Wellbeing Centre.
The College has four counsellors (two psychologists, a social worker and mental health nurse/ family therapist) who available to students, their families and staff. They offer support through individual counselling sessions, group support, family work and in secondary consultation with teachers. Counselling occurs at the pace and comfort level of the student.
Our Counsellors also respond to the perceived needs of the College through the curriculum and other school activities to enhance the wellbeing of the College community. This may include running or implementing of programs relating to mental health.
Support Available
Our Wellbeing Counselling Service is available to help students, their families and staff with a range of issues that include:
Students may self-refer via the College portal or visiting the Wellbeing Centre themselves, referred by College staff or parents.
Due to the specific nature of some presenting issues, the Counsellors will refer to and liaise with other mental health professionals or community based services outside the College for more intensive and longer term support.
Discussions with students are confidential and treated with dignity and respect without discrimination or judgement. In most cases any information that is shared outside the counselling environment is done so with the consent of the student/parent.
There are instances where the Counsellors are bound to share information with others (Parents and relevant Senior Staff Members) even without the student’s consent. These may include situations when:
Counsellor Contact
Parents may contact a Counsellor by phone 03 8793 2000 or email: