Please read the below document for information on maintaining communication through SEQTA: Open English version Open Arabic version Read More
In an effort to keep our students and guests as safe as we can, we have been advised to suspend all Graduates' Restaurant bookings for the months of April, May and June (School Term two). In an effort to minimise disappointment, we will be offering an opportunity to re-book for… Read More
Dear Parents and Guardians St John's Regional College strongly recommends that all VCAL and VET students discontinue their TAFE study and Structured Work Placements until further notice. This recommendation comes in respect of the Government decision to limit all organised gatherings to fewer than 100 people. In exercising our duty… Read More
Dear Parents/Guardians, At this time, there has been much publicity regarding potential school closures due to COVID-19. This has likely caused concern particularly for those who are undertaking Year 12 programs, or Year 11 students undertaking Year 12 subjects. I am writing to advise of what the teachers at the… Read More
A LETTER FROM THE CATHOLIC BISHOPS OF VICTORIA Prayerful greetings to the people of God across Victoria, This morning, the Prime Minister announced that non-essential indoor gatherings will be limited to 100 people, and outdoor events of more than 500 people will be disallowed, effective today. Given the seriousness of… Read More
Dear Parents and Guardians Our first priority at St John's Regional College is the health and safety of our school community. I want to reassure you that the school is well-prepared for the impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus). We are being provided the latest advice from the Australian and Victorian Chief… Read More
Dear Families and Students of St John's Regional College, I provide an update of advice distributed by the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV) regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus). The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) has received updated advice regarding COV/0-19 (coronavirus). Yesterday evening, Victoria's Chief Health Officer issued updated… Read More
It was 12 February when we headed off to camp with the people we knew little about, but by the end of the trip everyone knew each other. The amount of friends made through this camp was uncountable. Not only were there friendships a plenty, but activities were amazing. Many… Read More
On Thursday 20 February, the student leaders, their families and their leadership mentors gathered to celebrate their investiture and to begin their journey of servant leadership for 2020. The student leaders prepared a video for the audience outlining their goals and the values and beliefs that they hold about leadership.… Read More
Congratulations to ex student Heather Daniel (Class of 2017) whose work has been chosen to be part of Craft Victoria's "Fresh!" Exhibition. @craftvictoria Fresh! is an annual exhibition that showcases the best graduating art and design students across the state. What a fantastic achievement.👏👏 Reposted from @hd.haniel AW 2020 Read More