Dear Parents and Carers, Thank you for all your support during these past few weeks of remote and flexible learning. Following advice from the Chief Health Officer, the Victorian Government and the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) have advised that schools can begin a phased return to onsite… Read More

Staff at St John's Regional College encourage students to reach for the stars through STEM focused facilities and learning programs. The college provides students with engaging learning experiences that are always future-focused. Continue Reading at Dandenong Star Journal Online Read More

A large body of rigorous and validated research points to a strong connection between music education and language development. This line of inquiry emerged from the observation that musically trained children tended to perform better in standardised tests on language, acquire language including words, syntax and prosody more effectively and… Read More

National Competition Open to Students from NEAA Member Schools The Nagle Prize for 2020 is linked to the theme for our Student Conference that will be held at Mater Dei, Wagga Wagga: "A flame for the future." Students are asked to interpret the meaning of this statement, in their design,… Read More

In this Covid-19 world, students and schools are learning to adapt to the new solitude, say St John’s Regional College captains Tofy Jorissen and Aker Mawith. “I miss everything about school,” Tofy says of the remote-learning experience. From the comfort and privacy of his family home, Tofy keeps in instant… Read More

Welcome to our ANZAC Day Commemoration Presentation. We acknowledge that we are gathering on the sacred ground of the Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation and we pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging. On the 25th of April 2020, we celebrate all those who have fought… Read More

Dear Parents and Guardians, During this period of Remote Learning I wish to outline the ICT Support service that the College can provide and introduce the staff you will be requesting to speak to should you require this service. Our IT Department consists of: Mr Brian Griffith (IT Manager) Mr… Read More