College Prayer
College Prayer
Let us remember that we are in the Holy Presence of God…
God our creator, thank You for St John’s Regional College:
its multicultural heritage
and the giftedness of each member of our community.
St John the Evangelist is our patron
and his Gospel leads us to You,
through Your son, Jesus Christ.
We pray that in following the example of Jesus,
we may value learning and truth,
and seek justice in our world.
In the face of each person we meet,
may we recognise You.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
The Venerable Nano Nagle; Pray for us.
St John Baptist de La Salle; Pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts forever!
College Song
St John Baptist de la Salle
Pray for us
Venerable Nano Nagle
Pray for us
Verse 1:
Here we journey throughout the years
Learning and growing alongside our peers
Seeking justice in all we do
And living out our lives in truth
Oh with courage, we’ll reach for the stars
Living with, Jesus in our hearts
St John’s
Our School
Our home
For where we learn
St John’s
Our School
Our home
That we Share
– Break –
Verse 2:
In our diverse community
We serve others whoever they may be
And rise high upon eagle’s wings
With all the talents that we bring
– Break –
St John Baptist de la Salle
Pray for us
Venerable Nano Nagle
Pray for us
And live Jesus in our hearts – FOREVER!