Continued Delivery of VCE Units
Dear Parents/Guardians,
At this time, there has been much publicity regarding potential school closures due to COVID-19. This has likely caused concern particularly for those who are undertaking Year 12 programs, or Year 11 students undertaking Year 12 subjects. I am writing to advise of what the teachers at the College will be doing in order to maintain learning programs. All our actions will be in line with the communications so far received from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) regarding the continued provision of student learning programs.
We wish to reassure all students and families that we will continue VCE learning program delivery through our online learning management system SEQTA. The advice provided to us by the VCAA is that the immediate focus would be on ensuring continuation of learning.
We will support students by:
- Sharing learning materials on SEQTA. Students will be able to access these from home.
- Providing learning materials that enable students to engage with the set learning outcomes of their VCE subjects.
- Re-ordering the program as necessary to ensure theory tasks are undertaken while learning is only online.
- Undertaking preparation for completion of assessment.
- Providing feedback to all students, individually
The VCAA has indicated that if all schools are closed, they will be flexible with the completion of units, including extending submission dates. Any alterations made to VCE learning programs in the event of a closure will be delivered in light of the advice provided by the VCAA.
Teachers at the College are preparing for a potential closure, having undertaken Professional Learning in order to provide varied approaches. The SEQTA Learning Management System is well-equipped to provide students with engaging learning during the event of any closure. In addition, SEQTA direct messaging will be available to parents and guardians. This will provide the opportunity for communication directly to the class teacher if required.
We acknowledge the concerns the current situation creates, however, we do want to reassure all students and families that we will continue to make student learning the priority in the event of any notification that schools will be closed.
Do not hesitate to make contact with us at the College to discuss this matter.